Engr. Lope Columna met the Key Executives and Top Engineers of Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They discussed about the Needs, Technical Solutions, and Efficiency Improvements to SEC Energy and Power Business. As they are interested, Engr. Columna discussed with them the subject of PROACTIVE MAINTENANCE, ROOT-CAUSE FAILURE ANALYSIS (RCFA), and ENERGY EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS.

For hundreds of years, the Business and Technology environments are full of RISKS and many UNKNOWN and UNSAFE Factors. This is because ALL Businesses and Technologies are based on the traditional and wasteful LINEAR ECONOMY. COLUMNA ENERGY's approaches is toward its Solution => CIRCULAR ECONOMY.
Drastic ELIMINATION/REDUCTION of the Burning of FOSSIL FUELS is now necessary to STOP/REDUCE the release of Carbon Greenhouse Gases, and the particulates (air pollution). Carbon greenhouse gases cause Global Warming and Air Pollution causes Global Dimming. In addition, Methane Gas from wastes also cause Global Warming, and CFC's cause Ozone Layer Depletion.
CLIMATE CHANGE (with its disastrous effects) is a BIG Challenge and Responsibility to every Person, Corporation, and Nation on Earth. The very survival of Mankind is at stake here. So, COLUMNA ENERGY was established to Face this Global Challenge.
We work from a position of Global Knowledge, Experience, Research, and Advanced Techniques and Technologies. This is achieved via Tie-ups, Cooperations, Agreements, and Partnerships with the Global and World-Class Corporations, as well as, with related Government Agencies and Departments. And ALL THESE are guided with PARADIGM SHIFTS or CULTURE/MINDSET CHANGE by COLUMNA ENERGY.
For many years, COLUMNA ENERGY has been helping Clients anticipate directions of change and solve complex Energy and Business challenges. We are Energy Engineers, Power Consultants, and Process & Change Management experts. We understand the Technical Consequences of a Business Decision, and the Business Consequences of a Technical Decision.
As an independent Technical and Business Solution-Provider, we help Clients achieve higher levels of Efficiency, Safety, Reliability, Availability, Sustainability, and Profitability. We help Clients enhance value to their Customers, Stakeholders, Shareholders, and the Environment.
For more information, call Engr. LOPE COLUMNA at: 0926-876-8236. Email: Lope.columna@yahoo.com