For A More Educated and Fine-Tuned Workforce To Face the ENERGY-CLIMATE Crises
- We invite foreign investors. We build power plants, factories, Economic Zones, and Industrial Parks. Everything is set up. The ship is about to go. But wait a minute. We forgot something! We don't have a qualified crew; a well-educated personnel to efficiently man the ship.
- You have a multi-million dollar factory, producing multi-million dollar worth of products. Then suddenly your entire production process stops. An electric motor burned out, stopping a critical process pump. Every day of downtime costs millions to your company. Technicians install a new motor with new bearings, and the production starts again. After a few weeks, the plant shutdown again with the same reason. And the cycle repeats itself.
- A very confident and industrious electrician in a large power plant tried to troubleshoot a "simple" malfunction. In the Control Room, an annunciator light was busted. Without knowing that the busted alarm light is a neon bulb, he replaced it with an ordinary incandescent light bulb. It works, but it also triggered a tripping relay shutting down a 300 MW power plant. A classic example of simple ignorance resulting to a 3-hour power blackout causing a chain reaction of economic disasters. And of course, this also triggered more release of carbon greenhouse gas, as Gensets from many establishments started to operate, adding to the problem of Global Warming!
EDUCATION, an easily forgotten or downgraded component of industrialization in the country, and in the world. We put so much budget in our infrastructures, machinery and technologies, but we fail to invest more on the continuous education and training of people who will operate and maintain those machinery. A losing kind of thinking. And a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. This is typical of the majority of industries, and we have done this for decades. Now, we are reaping the deadly fruits of our negligence and unwise business management that resulted to the abuse of the Earth's resources.
The Education crisis generates the Energy crisis; and the Energy Crisis generates the Climate Change crisis. So, now, CLIMATE CHANGE is here, generating all kinds of disasters for all of us.
The Education crisis generates the Energy crisis; and the Energy Crisis generates the Climate Change crisis. So, now, CLIMATE CHANGE is here, generating all kinds of disasters for all of us.
All companies, big and small, need a continuing technical training for their personnel. High technology hardware should be matched with high technology training of personnel to have the best return on investment (ROI).
Technology is advancing so fast that our previous knowledge and skills can suddenly become obsolete. And because of the feared CLIMATE CHANGE effects, the present technology and management trend is ENERGY EFFICIENCY. Even present technologies and equipment (including its associated skills) can also become obsolete as they are found destructive to environment (air-conditioning CFC refrigerants, for example).
New efficient technologies and equipment are now available to replace our old, energy-guzzler and pollutant machinery. These are the HARDWARE part.
But installing these energy-efficient technologies and machinery is not enough. This must be accompanied by the same level and quality of training that will produce energy-efficient employees and manpower. This is the SOFTWARE part.
Similar to the computer technology, you cannot use a computer without a software, or you cannot maximize the use of your computer without the corresponding latest software.
The right way to deal with a problem is not to solve it, but rather to eliminate it. Solving a problem is only a part of the process of problem elimination. 'Solving a problem' only let you deal with the effects or symptoms of the problem, NOT the cause/s. But people's minds are formatted to "solving problems"; that's why we never run out of problems, and they are getting worse. There must be a paradigm shift in our thinking, for us to really eliminate, not solve, the Climate Change problems. This paradigm shift will let us see and deal with the ROOT-CAUSE/S of the problem. Then we eliminate the problem.
World leaders and scientists are certain that the major cause of Climate Change, particularly Global Warming, is the increasing and continuous release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Where do these gases come from? They mostly came from combustion engines (internal and external engines). These include car/truck engines, power plants, ocean liners, airplane's jet engines, steam-boilers, furnaces, and the like. These are the prime movers and power generators of the present civilization. On the other side of the circuit, is the power utilization or demand (factories, buildings, condominiums, hotels, shopping malls, residentials, etc.).
Now, we must realize that the productivity, longevity, and efficiency of these multi-million or multi-billion dollar establishments, are directly and ultimately decided by the operators, mechanics, and technicians handling them. The CEO's and top executives are the decision-makers at the top (the head-brain), but the blue-collar workers are the direct decision-makers (the hands and feet) of the corporate body.
The attitude, knowledge and skills of the blue-collar workers will directly determine the direction where your business goes to; either toward profit or toward bankruptcy of your company, and to the betterment or worsening of Climate Change.
A wrong button pressed, or an error in the opening and closing of a valve, or just a misinterpretation of a control parameter, is sufficient to bring your business in shambles, or to have a tragic accident or environmental disaster. We should never forget the lessons learned from the Three Mile Island accident in the USA, the Bhopal disaster in India, and the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, to name a few. An error of a blue-collar worker is truly very costly and deadly, which justifies training, even a costly one.
Mr. COLUMNA have been through these environments with actual experience in the operation and maintenance of various power plants and industrial facilities, as an operator, mechanic, technician, and engineer. Combined with his decades of conducting technical training to Philippine businesses and industries, Engr. COLUMNA came to know firsthand the internal status and problems of most industries, both the technical and human factors. He arrived at the conclusion that there must be a massive education and training crusade for the industrial and commercial workforce, particularly in the field of Facilities Efficient Operation and Maintenance, and also in the Transportation and Power Generation sectors. And this goal must be started immediately if we want to curb the perils of Climate Change.
Most of the training needs and necessary know-how of the workforce are not provided by the existing universities and vocational schools. Take for example, the subject of Steam and Boiler Technologies. Steam is a major medium for heating and power generation. Boiler is the heat or steam generator needed by almost all major manufacturing plants. And the boiler is a major consumer of fossil fuels and therefore a major emitter of greenhouse gases and air pollution responsible for the dreaded Climate Change.
Yet there is no engineering or vocational schools producing graduates that can properly operate and maintain steam boilers. This means that the thousands of boilers in the country are run by unschooled personnel, which means the dangerous and inefficient operation of Boilers, which means tremendous release of carbon dioxide and air pollution to the atmosphere. Now, we are reaping the wrath and revenge of Climate Change to punish us all!
The attitude, knowledge and skills of the blue-collar workers will directly determine the direction where your business goes to; either toward profit or toward bankruptcy of your company, and to the betterment or worsening of Climate Change.
A wrong button pressed, or an error in the opening and closing of a valve, or just a misinterpretation of a control parameter, is sufficient to bring your business in shambles, or to have a tragic accident or environmental disaster. We should never forget the lessons learned from the Three Mile Island accident in the USA, the Bhopal disaster in India, and the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, to name a few. An error of a blue-collar worker is truly very costly and deadly, which justifies training, even a costly one.
Mr. COLUMNA have been through these environments with actual experience in the operation and maintenance of various power plants and industrial facilities, as an operator, mechanic, technician, and engineer. Combined with his decades of conducting technical training to Philippine businesses and industries, Engr. COLUMNA came to know firsthand the internal status and problems of most industries, both the technical and human factors. He arrived at the conclusion that there must be a massive education and training crusade for the industrial and commercial workforce, particularly in the field of Facilities Efficient Operation and Maintenance, and also in the Transportation and Power Generation sectors. And this goal must be started immediately if we want to curb the perils of Climate Change.
Most of the training needs and necessary know-how of the workforce are not provided by the existing universities and vocational schools. Take for example, the subject of Steam and Boiler Technologies. Steam is a major medium for heating and power generation. Boiler is the heat or steam generator needed by almost all major manufacturing plants. And the boiler is a major consumer of fossil fuels and therefore a major emitter of greenhouse gases and air pollution responsible for the dreaded Climate Change.
Yet there is no engineering or vocational schools producing graduates that can properly operate and maintain steam boilers. This means that the thousands of boilers in the country are run by unschooled personnel, which means the dangerous and inefficient operation of Boilers, which means tremendous release of carbon dioxide and air pollution to the atmosphere. Now, we are reaping the wrath and revenge of Climate Change to punish us all!
It is a sad fact that the subjects of machine operation, maintenance and troubleshooting are not taught in-depth in our schools. Graduates usually learn the practicalities of machinery operation and maintenance when they are already in the job. This is a major deficiency of technical education, as neophyte graduates make mistakes as they learn their jobs. As a result, our industry suffers from gross inefficiencies, low quality products, accidents (causing death, destruction, and release of toxic chemicals and greenhouse gases), high operations costs, and poor maintenance. Mistakes are normal for a novice, and they must release their mistakes in the classroom, laboratory, or simulator, not in the multi-million dollar machinery in the actual facility or production line!
As a factory owner or manager, you cannot afford to allow your personnel to make serious technical and human errors that could result to a downtime costing millions, or lead to loss of life and properties. You can only have peace of mind if you invest more on their effective technical training.
But very few companies have their own training department, particularly, technical training aspects. There are several reasons for this:
1. Companies just depend on graduates of engineering and technical vocational schools. But it is a well known fact that the academe is teaching outdated curriculum, producing graduates unsuitable to industry needs.
2. The quality of technical training depends on the expertise and research based education of instructors. But most companies are not able to maintain full-time instructors. Most, if not all, of their qualified engineers are too busy with their main plant responsibilities, not on teaching or research.
3. Companies with small number of employees don't justify an in-house training department. Human Resource Departments are not able to provide the real and in-depth technical training for their personnel.
4. Maintaining a full-time training department is quite expensive and requires additional administrative responsibilities, manpower, facilities, etc.
But training is a necessity, but it is not just easy. A really effective training that is attunes to the times takes much thought and preparations, continuous research, and of course, budget. It is hard work, but it is a must. Industries see their need of relevant technical and human factor training and education. But to where will they come to?
Engineer COLUMNA conceptualized this innovative approach for Philippine education and training systems. He called it "Cyclic Education." This is part of the COLUMNA MESSIANIC Research, Inc. ongoing Continuing Update and Refresher Education (CURE) for industry to combat Climate Change.
The COLUMNA MESSIANIC Research, Inc. envision to establish the most advanced and modern ENERGY-CLIMATE Research and Training Institute in the country in line with the Philippine's economic objectives, tied in with the World's search for solutions to combat Climate Change.
Cyclic Education is a research-based practical training technique designed to help Philippine business and industries become more efficient and competitive in the global market, as well as, comply with the call to reduce carbon greenhouse gas emissions.
From the classroom, the participants will return to their respective workplaces to apply what they learned. After some time the same participants will go back to classroom for further study and training fine-tuning. Time will be allotted for follow-up questions and clarifications from the previous session.
Then, the next higher level course will be conducted. As the cycle continuous from classroom to workplace and back, the participants will be given the opportunity to:
- Refresh/fine-tune theories and engineering principles.
- Confirm their observations, knowledge and ideas.
- Clarify further questions and be cleared of doubts and "hazy" concepts.
- Learn lessons that might have been missed.
- Master or upgrade certain skill(s) and technology.
- Update information on the latest technology trends and research.
- Find the right solutions to their plant problems.
The COLUMNA MESSIANIC Research has a wide range of specialty courses, covering such vital subjects as: Energy (Basics and Advance), Climate Science, Environmental Preservation, HVAC, Mathematics, Engineering, Management, Operation and Maintenance, Instrumentation & Control, Computer and Information Technologies, Human Factor Engineering, etc.
We will design and develop any course or curriculum particular and specific to business and Climate needs. Our continuous research and development in the field of education and engineering will assure you of quality training that your people needs. And all the courses are designed and conducted in the perspective of efficiency to face the ENERGY-CLIMATE Challenge.
COLUMNA MESSIANIC experienced instructors and consultants are carefully selected to provide an effective transfer of technology and expertise to the participants. In addition, participants will learn from each other as they share experiences. Lessons learned from plant experiences of other companies will be discussed and documented, copies of which will be available to subscriber companies. Thus, troubles and malfunctions from one company can be avoided in another company. Companies will learn from each other by sharing ideas and experiences. We will do the research on the how's and why's of industrial plants operation and maintenance.
The COLUMNA MESSIANIC Research will serve as the technical training department of your company. Thus, you can be relieved and save on manpower, headaches, facilities, space. Instead you can concentrate more on your management time.
COLUMNA MESSIANIC will give examinations and trade tests to the participants to determine their knowledge and skill retention and development. Test results and overall grades of the participants will be submitted to their respective management. These training records can be a basis in management decision to promote or transfer their personnel.
Other benefits of our Cyclic Education are:
- Personalized and customized training in consideration of Filipino habits, culture, and environment.
- Continuing education and update of the latest trends in technology as used or to be used by industry. Courses offered are to be accredited by TESDA and other accrediting organizations for the required CPE units.
- There's no need for companies to maintain a full-time staff to man their technical training needs. Training needs analysis and curriculum development will be conducted by COLUMNA MESSIANIC in coordination with the plant management.
- Member companies will have access to our experts and consultants for further technical assistance and consultancy.
- Course contents and lecturers will focus to the current needs of industry. The lecture discussion method, practical exercises and on-the-job exposure will give participants the most effective training.
- Because of the continuous training and retraining services, participants will have the opportunity to clarify any question, doubts, that may have developed after a classroom sessions, or while on the job. This training technique will increase production efficiencies of each subscriber company through their more knowledgeable and motivated personnel.
- Courses and syllabi are continually develop and updated to reflect the most relevant topics as needed by modern industries. We will assure you of the latest trends in energy, climate, and industrial technologies.
- Our policy of teaching is not how good a teacher teaches but of how the student learns. Thus, training methodologies will be adjusted to the educational level of a class. As much as possible, the medium of instruction will be in Filipino language, or in "Taglish". This is for maximum and effective transfer of concepts and principles or a clearer understanding of science and technology. Appreciation of these principles will add interest to their jobs to counteract the spirit of boredom that may result in routine jobs.
- Older employees should have retraining (at least every two years). This will avoid "evaporation" of their knowledge and recharge them with knowledge power. New employees should undergo training for safety and familiarization/orientation of the plant.
- Cyclic education will assure training to every personnel, from rank-and-file to top management level. We will develop special training courses as requested by subscriber companies.
- Cyclic education sessions will serve as venues for open forum wherein problems and troubles at the plants will be discussed, analyzed, and solutions found. This will be of great use in understanding and finding solutions to pressing problems of industry.
- Confidence and motivation of your personnel are a major factor to any successful business. This training technique will do just that instilling confidence and motivation to your personnel.
- We will continuously monitor and record the results and progress of training even at the workplace.
- COLUMNA MESSIANIC Research will stir up and stimulate the minds of the participants with its innovative, interest filled, and challenging approach to teaching.
To avail the benefits of cyclic education, companies must become a member or subscribe to the program. They will contribute or donate an annual membership fee depending upon the number of the employees to be trained and the complexity of their business operations. In addition, subscribers will pay a small amount per day of course duration per employee. These funds are necessary for COLUMNA MESSIANIC Research to maintain a high quality training and research that will ultimately rebound to the benefit of industry, the country, and the world, as a whole.
This is a national, and a Global endeavor to mitigate Climate Change tragedies. We need as many donors, sponsors, co-workers/partners, and volunteers, as possible.
We usually give, and support Climate Change victims, and that is a humanitarian thing to do. But why should we wait, or give our resources to suffering victims, when we can give and help them, and ourselves, NOT to become victims, in the first place?
We encourage you to support, sponsor, donate, join, or share whatever you can to the success of this innovative approach to face the ENERGY-CLIMATE World Challenge via education and training.
Contact: Engineer Lope Columna for more details.
Mobile Phone: (+63) 926-876-8236
We usually give, and support Climate Change victims, and that is a humanitarian thing to do. But why should we wait, or give our resources to suffering victims, when we can give and help them, and ourselves, NOT to become victims, in the first place?
We encourage you to support, sponsor, donate, join, or share whatever you can to the success of this innovative approach to face the ENERGY-CLIMATE World Challenge via education and training.
Contact: Engineer Lope Columna for more details.
Mobile Phone: (+63) 926-876-8236
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